

All About Contraception

Working Principle Contraception
Contraception is basically negate the meeting between the egg with sperm. There are three ways to achieve this goal, whether working alone or together. The first is to find out the egg(ovulation), the second resist the entry of sperm into female genital tract up to the ovum and the third is to deter nidasi. The first example is a contraception steroid, either pills, injections, or implants.
The second example consists of condoms, vaginal cup (servical cap), spermicides, and tubal ligation and vas deferens. Especially applied to men is interrupted coitus and vasectomy, where the second way, the sperm was never achieve female genital tract.
A third example is IUD. Some ways of contraception works by more than one mechanism, such as contraception steroids.It not only suppress ovulation but also hinder the increase of sperm into the uterine cavity by making the thick cervical mucus that is a plug that can not be breached by the sperm. It also disrupt the physiological endometrium that interfere nidasi if fertilization does occur. Progestin-only pill works primarily in two ways that last one.

Contraception Effectiveness
The effectiveness of a method of contraception is its ability to prevent pregnancy. In practice, sometimes it declared with number of failure (pregnancy) in units of time. There are several components of effectiveness, among others:
Theoretical effectiveness is the ability of a method of contraception to prevent pregnancy if a way were used as appropriate in accordance with the prevailing theory.
Practical Effectiveness (usage) is the effectiveness of that seen in reality on the ground after the use of large numbers, includes everything that affects the use, such as faults, termination, negligence, etc. For example, the pill is theoretically have a very high effectiveness, but in reality is lower due to negligence and other.

Program effectiveness is the effectiveness of a way in a program at local, provincial and national. Pills for example, to rural communities is very low effectiveness due to the use of irregular, or even not infrequently a woman does not want to take the pill because of various reasons. In contrast, for urban communities who have low education and high awareness and regard family planning as the need for the pill have a higher effectiveness.
Cost effectiveness is the ratio between a program with way or the expected results in the form of the number of acceptors, number of continue to use, prevention of side effects, the decline in fertility rates, etc

Admission and Continuity
There are two kinds of acceptance of contraception that initial acceptance and receipt of information. initial acceptance depends on how motivation and persuasion provided by family planning officials. Acceptance Further influenced by many factors such as age, region (urban / rural), education and employment, religion, motivation, customs, and no less important characteristic is the way these family planning. Ideally a way of cl must meet the properties such as safe (fewest side effects), effective (small failure rate), sedrhana, easy to use (do not require medical intervention that is difficult), cheap, easily obtained, does not interfere with intercourse, does not require examination of many
re-examination, and high reversibility.
Unfortunately there is no single ideal way to meet the requirements as mentioned above. One ideal way for someone not necessary ideal for another person, therefore, a candidate acceptor must weigh between losses and gains a manner that will be taken.

Contraception is a Remarkable Discovery

The development of contraceptive technology was initially run very slowly. In 1564, Fallopius designing linen as cover the glans penis in protecting the chances of contracting syphilis. Apparently his efforts inspired the invention of modern kontaseosi technology. In 1838, the cervical cap was identified by FA Wide, a gynecologist from germany. Spermicide first sold in the market there is in london in 1885. Between the years 1920-1930, made vaginal tablet that can release carbon dioxide that form the foam in the vagina.
IUD (Intra Uterine Device) which was first introduced by Righter in 1909 made of metal. He was popular in 1929, but side effects such as infections and high mortality, its use was stopped. Its use is popular again after the discovery of the IUD by Ishihama from Japan in 1956 and Oppenheimer of Israel in 1959. Contraceptive steroids, in pill form, was first introduced in 1956 and 1958 by Rock, Pincus and Gracia. After that, introduce certain other steroid contraception in the form of injection, and lastly in the form of implants. In Indonesia, contraception
Surgical contraception (also called sterilization) also progressed with a much simpler technique, such as minilaparotomi, laparoscopy (a cautery or mounting ring tubes) and a vasectomy without the knife, etc.. At this moment trials are underway in a randomized controlled clinical trial kuinakrin to use pellets as a means of chemical tubal occlusion for sterilization.
In summary, contraceptive technology innovation began with a simple way without any tools, such as intercourse is interrupted, then a simple tool such as condoms, vaginal cup, spermicides and way more reliable as birth control pills, injections, implants and finally a very steady way that surgical contraception such as tubectomy and vasectomy. implant was first introduced in 1981 and immediately received rave reviews from the community.

Penyakit Menular Seksual (PMS)

PMS adalah singkatan dari Penyakit Menular Seksual, yang berarti suatu infeksi atau penyakit yang kebanyakan ditularkan melalui hubungan seksual (oral, anal atau lewat vagina).
PMS juga diartikan sebagai penyakit kelamin, atau infeksi yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seksual. harus diperhatikan bahwa PMS menyerang mata, mulut, saluran pencernaan, hati, otak dan organ tubuh lainnya.
contohnya, baik HIV/AIDS dan hepatitis b dapat ditularkan melalui hubungan seks tapi keduanya tidak terlalu menyerang alat kelamin.

Mengapa kita membutuhkan informasi tentang PMS?
Jika kita melakukan hubungan seksual dengan orang lain, walaupun hanya sekali, kita dapat terkena PMS.

Apa hubungan organ-organ reproduksi dengan PMS?
Kebanyakan PMS membahayakan organ-organ reproduksi. Pada wanita, PMS menghancurkan dinding vagina atau leher rahim, biasanya tanpa tanda-tanda infeksi. Pada pria, yang terinfeksi terlebih dulu adalah saluran air kencing. Jika PMS tidak diobati dapat menyebabkan keluarnya acairan yang tidak normal pada penis dan berakibat sakit pada waktu buang air kecil. PMS yang tidak diobati dapat mempengaruhi organ-organ reproduksi bagian dalam dan menyebabkan kemandulan baik pada pria ataupun wanita.

Bahaya PMS
Ada beberapa bahaya PMS, yaitu :
  • Kebanyakan PMS dapat menyebabkan kita sakit
  • Beberapa PMS dapat menyebabkan kemandulan.
  • Beberapa PMS dapat menyebabkan keguguran.
  • PMS dapat menyebabkan kanker leher rahim.
  • Beberapa PMS dapat merusak penglihatan, otak dan hati.
  • PMS dapat menular kepada bayi.
  • PMS dapat menyebabkan kita rentan terhadap HIV/AIDS.
  • Beberapa PMS ada yang tidak bisa disembuhkan.
  • Beberapa PMS seperti halnya HIV/AIDS dan Hepatitis B dapat menyebabkan kematian.
Tipe-tipe PMS
Ada banyak PMS, yang paling umum dan penting untuk diperhatikan adalah :
  • Gonore
  • klamidia
  • Herpes kelamin
  • Sifilis
  • Hepatitis B
Meski hanya ada beberapa yang disebutkan di atas tapi masih ada banyak lagi PMS lain diluar sana dan kita wajib untuk lebih berhati-hati dengan tetap melakukan pola hidup bersih dan pastinya dengan tidak berganti-ganti pasangan juga tidak menggunakan obat-obatan terlarang terutama dengan jarum suntik.

Dapatkah PMS disembuhkan ?
Tidak semua PMS dapat disembuhkan. PMS yang disebabkan oleh virus, seperti HIV/AIDS, herpes genitalis (herpes kelamin), dan hepatitis B adalah contoh PMS yang tidak dapat disembuhkan. HIV/AIDS merupakan yang paling bahaya. HIV/AIDS tidak dapat disembuhkan dan merusak sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia yang memiliki peranan palling penting dalam melawan penyakit. Banyak orang yang meninggal karena AIDS disebabkan oleh sistem kekebalan tubuh mereka tidak dapat melawan infeksi.
Herpes genitalis memiliki gejala yang muncul-hilang dan biasanya terasa sangat sakit jika penyakit tersebut sedang aktif. Pada Herpes, obat-obatan hanya bisa digunakan untuk mengobati gejala saja, tetapi virus menyebabkan herpes tetap hidup di dalam tubuh selamanya.


Kencing Nanah (Gonore)

Kencing nanah atau gonore atau dalam bahasa inggris dikenal sebagai gonorrhea atau gonorrhoea adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh Neisseria gonorrhoeae yang menginfeksi lapisan dalam uretra, leher rahim, rektum, tenggorokkan dan bagian putih mata (konjungtiva). Gonore bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama kulit dan persendian. Pada wanita, gonore bisa menjalar ke saluran kemih dan menginfeksi selaput di dalam pinggul sehingga timbul nyeri
pinggul dan gangguan reproduksi.

Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang paling sering ditemukan dan paling mudah ditegakkan diagnosisnya. Masa Inkubasi antara 3-5 hari.

Penderita pria
---> biasanya mengeluhkan sakit pada waktu kencing. Dari mulut saluran kencing keluar nanah kental berwarna kuning hijau. Setelah beberapa hari keluarnya nanah hanya pada pagi hari, sedikit dan encer serta rasa nyeri berkurang. bila penyakit ini tidak diobati dapat timbul komplikasi berupa peradangan pada alat kelamin.
Pada wanita
--> Penyakit ini tidak menunjukkan gejala yang jelas atau bahkan tidak menimbulkan keluhan sama sekali, sehingga wanita mudah menjadi sumber penularan GO. Kadang penderita mengeluh keputihan dan nyeri waktu kencing.
Dapat timbul komplikasi berupa bartolitis, yaitu membengkaknya kelenjar Bartholin sehingga penderita sukar jaalan karena nyeri. Komplikasi dapat ke atas menyebabkan kemandulan, bila ke rongga perut menyebabkan radang di perut dan usus.
Selain itu baik pada wanita atau pria dapat terjadi infeksi sistemik (seluruh tubuh) ke sendi jantung, selaput otak dan lain-lain.
Pada ibu hamil
--> Bila tidak diobati, saat melahirkan mata bayi dapat terinfeksi, bila tidak cepat ditangani dapat menyebabkan kebutaan.